It had been years since I had allowed anyone, especially the opposite sex, convince me to trust them. Without hesitation I believed Tommy's words. One of the two things were going to happen. First I was gullible as fuck and was going to be disappointed very soon. Or I was embarking on one of the best relationships of my life. This didn't matter, because this was our first date. I was going to trust him and enjoy what the night had left to show us.
In saying that, there was not much else to show. We returned back to Kingsville. If any of you know Kingsville, you definitely know there is nothing to do but cruise up and down 14th Street and 6th Street, and anywhere else that is considered a main drag. We drove by the local bars. Nothing was really hopping because it was Thanksgiving weekend, and all the college students were out of town and most people were still dealing with out of town families and leftover turkey dinners. Now in the present the day after Thanksgiving is considered Black Friday. If there was a Black Friday in 1996, neither Tommy or I knew what this crazy shopping day was, we were too much into getting to know one another.
Now this was 1996, and neither one of us had a cell phone. But what most small town boys had were CB radios. These boys had their ways to communicate and Tommy had the way. He found his buddy Derek cruising in his own truck on 6th Street. He drove an obnoxious looking black single cab, Chevy pick up, with this horrendously long CB antenna. This truck was as annoying as the owner. Derek was also in company of his friend Jacob. Jacob I knew from a class in college. He flirted with me from time to time. He was too obvious in his flirts and I found it to be a turn off. Somehow it was decided we would all congregate at Derek's parents house where he lived. His parents were home, but sleeping. We ended up in the family room watching a bad action movie and eating cold pizza. Derek sat one side of the room in a large lazy boy recliner. I was on the end of a couch near a coffee table eyeing a cross stitch in progress. It was probably Derek's moms work of art. Her stitching was horrible. Tommy sat on the opposite side of the coffee table on another lazy boy. Jacob sat on the same couch as I . I was not thrilled but I hugged that arm rest for dear life. I also gave attention to that sad looking cross stich.
For the next two hours, Tommy tried to include me in their guy conversation. I appreciated him trying to get me involved. I was satisfied to listen to the ridiculous topics of conversation of 18 year men. At one point I noticed the clock said 12:30pm. Thirty minutes before Cinderella was supposed to be home. I placed the cross stich back on the coffee table and in much better condition then how it was found. I leaned back into my seat and I felt it. I felt a hand underneath my butt. The fingers squeezed my bottom. I scooted forward to the edge of the couch until Jacob's hand was moved away. I lightly kicked Tommy with my brown baby doll Dr. Marten's. He looked my way and smiled. I nodded towards the clock and he knew right away what I was suggesting.
"Shit, I gotta get you home." He stood up and offered his hand to help me off the couch. I never looked back at Jacob. I thanked Derek for his hospitality. More like crappy hospitality. This is to be expected from a dumb ass kid. Once we were out of the house and standing in the driveway, Tommy used the garage flood light to his advantage to see me.
"You have very pretty hair. Even in the dark it shines." I wasn't used to compliments. He could tell this was awkward. Tommy pulled me into his arms for a bear hug.
"Ronnie, I am glad we did this. I didn't have much planned after the movie. I don't do this ever." Next thing I knew I was being taken home.
We arrived at my house. He wanted to walk me to the door. I insisted he allow me to go up alone. I knew there would be someone waiting up for me.
"So, thank you for a good time. Maybe we will see each other next semester." I sheepishly looked up at him as I was fumbling through my purse for my house key.
"Ronnie that is over a month away. We are definitely going to see each before then. I will call you tomorrow. Not early. I sleep late, but can I call you?" I know I looked at this boy like he sprouted a second nose. Does he like me?
"Yes, Tommy, call me tomorrow." I leaned towards him and kissed his cheek. After that he lifted my left hand and kissed it.
Once in my house, I looked out the window and saw his truck drive off after he knew I made it inside safely.
